
8x8 Contact Center

Agent Console

Learn how to accept customer interactions with 8x8's Contact Center.

Single Sign-On

Log in to Contact Center using your Contact Center URL or through the 8x8 Unified Log In Page.

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Reset Your Password

You can reset your password from the link on your sign in page. You’ll receive an email with instructions to change your password.

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Navigation Menu

The Agent Console has three sections: the Navigation Menu, Control Panel, and Display Panel. This is where you’ll handle customer transactions, view queue activity, and manage cases.

The Navigation Menu is the drop-down menu at the top left of your Agent Console, where you can access your profile, settings, help menu, and other commands.

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Control Panel

The Control Panel on the left side lets you manage incoming transactions via phone, chat, email or voicemail; view agents and queue activity; and chat with coworkers.

The tabs you see will depend on which channels are enabled by your administrator.

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Display Panel

On the right, the Display Panel tabs give you easy access to Cases, Tasks, Reports, and My Profile.

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Profile Setup

In your Profile menu you can configure settings such as your workplace phone number and email signature.

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Status and Logout

Some companies use Status Codes to track agent status. If required, select the appropriate code from the Status menu each time you change status. You must be On Break or Working Offline before you can log out of Contact Center.

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Inbound Phone Transactions

The longest waiting call or highest priority interaction in a queue is delivered to the next available agent.

At the same time, Contact Center’s local CRM will search for existing records in the database based on the caller’s phone number. If the customer is in the system or if a case exists, the CRM will display that customer’s information.

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Outbound Phone Transactions

Agents assigned to this queue can make outbound calls to external numbers or contacts. Outbound phone codes may be required to set Caller ID options, or to track the purpose of an outbound call.

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Agent-to-Agent Calling

You can call another agent by entering their full phone number in the Phone tab, or by selecting the menu option in the Agent Status tab.

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Three-Way Conferencing

You can click Join Lines to merge two active phone calls into a three-way conference.

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Transfer a call with a warm introduction, or complete a blind transfer without speaking to the receiving party. You can also transfer calls back to a Queue or to an outside line. 

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Pre-Recorded Voice Messages

You can pre-record messages to play during inbound or outbound calls, for example, if you reach a customer’s voicemail.  If you have Direct Agent access, you can record a personal voicemail greeting for your extension. To play pre-recorded messages, select Options from the drop-down menu during a live call.

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Related Courses


Contact Center Adoption Kit Free

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Agents or Supervisors will attend a remote, instructor-led training session and product demonstration of how to use Contact Center.


Contact Center Adoption Kit Free

Contact Center Agent and Supervisor Remote Training

Core modules include introduction to contact center, manage interactions and supervisor functions.

Agents or Supervisors will attend a remote, instructor-led training session and product demonstration of how to use Contact Center.


Contact Center Adoption Kit Free

Core modules include introduction to contact center, manage interactions and supervisor functions.


Contact Center Agent and Supervisor Remote Training

Agents or Supervisors will attend a remote, instructor-led training session and product demonstration of how to use Contact Center.

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Learn the skills necessary to perform common 8x8 Work tasks for your desktop.


Contact Center Supervisor

Analytics for Contact Center

Learn how to manage customer and agent interactions with 8x8's Contact Center.

Learn to create dashboards and reports to analyze Contact Center agents and queues performance.

8x8 Work App chat and conversation screen displayed on a desktop.

8x8 Work for Desktop

Learn the skills necessary to perform common 8x8 Work tasks for your desktop.


Contact Center Supervisor

Learn how to manage customer and agent interactions with 8x8's Contact Center.


Analytics for Contact Center

Learn to create dashboards and reports to analyze Contact Center agents and queues performance.

8x8 Work App chat and conversation screen displayed on a desktop.

8x8 Work for Desktop

Learn the skills necessary to perform common 8x8 Work tasks for your desktop.

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