11:11 moves its global workforce onto one unified system: 8x8

11:11 Systems is a managed infrastructure solutions provider that empowers customers to modernize, protect and manage mission-critical applications and data leveraging 11:11’s resilient cloud platform.

"8x8’s reporting and analytics are robust, easy-to-use and intuitive. That’s been outstanding and our managers really like it"
- Matthew Scribner, System Administrator, 11:11 Systems
"8x8’s reporting and analytics are robust, easy-to-use and intuitive. That’s been outstanding and our managers really like it"
- Matthew Scribner, System Administrator, 11:11 Systems
"8x8’s reporting and analytics are robust, easy-to-use and intuitive. That’s been outstanding and our managers really like it"
- Matthew Scribner, System Administrator, 11:11 Systems
"8x8’s reporting and analytics are robust, easy-to-use and intuitive. That’s been outstanding and our managers really like it"
- Matthew Scribner, System Administrator, 11:11 Systems

The Challenge: Rapid Growth Created the Need to Standardize

11:11 Systems has grown over the years, in part through acquisition. However, with new acquisitions comes diverse technologies and workplace requirements that must be integrated and managed.

As a part of their overall integration, 11:11 wanted to standardize its systems while also improving collaboration and simplifying system administration. In addition, shared communications systems make it possible for 11:11 to standardize its support strategies for all customers.

While some teams at 11:11 were already using the 8x8 Experience Communications Platform, others were using an on-premises system, and 11:11 wanted to move all customer support, production and administrative teams to 8x8.

“The move would quadruple the number of people utilizing 8x8, so it was a pretty substantial project,” says Matthew Scribner, System Administrator at 11:11.

One important project requirement was to support the company’s global hybrid workforce. 11:11 has offices in North America, EMEA and APAC, so 8x8’s cloud-based collaboration tools and global reach were a perfect fit.

The Solution: One, unified system for all

The project entailed onboarding users to both 8x8 Work and 8x8 Contact Center.

Deployment of 8x8 went smoothly from a configuration standpoint, with 8x8’s technical support team providing assistance when needed.

Scribner recalls, “We added such a large number of people to the system, and the 8x8 team was just fantastic in terms of providing a seamless onboarding and training experience.”

The biggest challenge was consolidating user information from the various systems. “We had a lot of guidance and support from 8x8 on how to clean and migrate the data,” says Scribner, “as well as how to conduct a thorough and successful testing phase.”

11:11 chose to standardize on 8x8, because of the rich features and functionality the solution offered. Scribner says, “8x8’s reporting and analytics are robust, easy-to-use, and intuitive. That’s been outstanding and our managers really like it.”

11:11’s management team has also appreciated 8x8’s Supervisor Workspace to track and improve team performance.

“8x8 is a powerful solution, and I think a lot of our managers have been trying to leverage the Supervisor Workspace as much as possible,” says Scribner. With 8x8 University’s training resources, managers can continue to learn about different features whenever they have free time.

The Results: Simplified infrastructure with more features

Migrating to 8x8 enabled 11:11 to streamline system providers and gain greater performance visibility and reporting capabilities. As a result, with 8x8’s cloud-based collaboration tools, 11:11 has successfully moved its global workforce onto one unified system.

Scribner sums it up: “8x8’s cloud-based, modern technology has brought a lot to the table, including features that our team is really excited about.”

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