To improve patient experiences and reduce wait times, NHS front desk and contact centres need to become more skillful at delivering consistent experiences. Naturally, many callers experience higher than normal stress levels when contacting their healthcare provider. At a time when they are seeking comfort and assistance for themselves or a loved one, long wait times intensify these stress levels. Agents can be overwhelmed with large call numbers, which add to the challenges of ensuring that each call is answered promptly and that every caller receives focused attention to capture all relevant information accurately.

Reduce patient wait times

To reduce patient wait time, many calls can be deflected with automation and self-service environments. Organisations are increasingly implementing automation and self-service to reduce wait times, deliver consistent experiences, and make better use of budgets in the delivery of frontline care. Deflecting routine tasks effectively improves operational efficiency by reducing the number of calls agents need to handle and improves access to information.

The first step for NHS organisations seeking to improve communications with automation and self-service is to review their existing infrastructure and systems.

Legacy systems lack the agility and flexibility needed, which can negatively impact performance in big ways:

  • Restricted queueing due to the number of lines available
  • Lack of flexibility to manage queues and add agents
  • Insufficient analytics to identify trends, prioritise access to skill sets and establish training needs.

AI and automation tools can make a big difference, offering assistance in triaging and routing incoming phone calls or emails to the appropriate healthcare personnel or department. By utilising AI algorithms, these tools can also help with the collection of routine health data, highlight causes for concern and alert clinicians while ensuring efficient handling of all patient inquiries.

A compassionate approach to care

Although AI and automation offer significant benefits in healthcare communications, human oversight and judgement remain critical to maintain a compassionate approach to care and ensure patient safety and privacy. It is, therefore, essential that self-service systems provide options for contextual hand-off to an agent at any point.

A cloud-based communication system provides web-based access for agents, supervisors, and administrators based on user profiles, removing silos created by the restrictions of on-premises systems. A single system across multiple locations enhances the power of AI and automation to analyse vast amounts of data. Call patterns, trends, and insights are easily identified and extracted for reporting performance to NHS England and improving operational efficiency, optimising resource allocation, and enhancing communication strategies.

Intelligent automation

Intelligent IVR and Intelligent Customer Assistance allow organisations to innovate and expand their self-service options using conversational AI technology for positive patient and caller experiences. Where human interaction is required, inquiries are directed to the most qualified agent, clinician or department for faster call resolution, creating seamless, stress-free communication experiences.

A speech-enabled voice response system leverages analytics to provide callers with quick and accurate support. This leaves agents free to handle more complex enquiries and interactions, such as 2222 crash calls, where there is an immediate risk to life. AI-driven intelligence uses analytics to understand the most common questions, terms, and phrases, and creates and optimises knowledge bases to address and deflect routine enquiries.

Speech analytics automatically transcribe conversations, allowing for contextual hand-off from self-service environments and across departments. Information can also be stored to support requirements for fact-based evidence such as Coroner's Court hearings.

Seamless patient and peer connections

Integrating self-service and automation into communication systems connects patients seamlessly to the correct care path. In addition, GPs, the ambulance service, community workers and partners all benefit from easier communication with their peers. For example, a GP can go directly through to the maternity department, bypassing the switchboard and reducing the agents' workload on the front line.

To successfully implement AI, automation and self-service, it is important to understand the number of interactions handled and the nature of those interactions. Additionally, understanding the words and phrases used regularly allows calls to be effortlessly routed to the correct teams and FAQs to be answered faster.

Most importantly, it is essential to know when human interaction is required, and there has to be an appreciation that only certain things can be resolved with automation.

Delivering great patient experiences

When done well, implementing AI, automation and self-service benefits everyone. There are no new tools to learn, calls are deflected, agents’ time is freed up, and patients, staff and suppliers get to the right contact quicker. But how do you implement these technologies in a way that is intelligent and efficient? Well, that’s where a knowledgeable technology provider can make a big difference in the success of your project.

Start your journey to improving patient communications today with 8x8. Learn more here or contact our sales team.

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