What is Web Conferencing Software?

These days, online conferences aren’t all that uncommon. You’ve likely attended your fair share. But what exactly is web conferencing, and how does it work?

Web conferencing definition

Web conferencing is any meeting that takes place between two or more participants over the internet. With a strong internet connection, people can participate in a meeting, show presentations, transfer files and more via internet web conferencing.

To better understand how a web conference works, it’s helpful to look at who participates in them:

  • Host: They schedule and create the meeting, prepare an agenda and send out the necessary invites.
  • Presenter: A person that delivers and guides the content much in the same way that a presenter at a live conference would.
  • Guests: The invitees. They use the necessary codes, links and dial-in numbers to gain access to the conference and presentations.

Types of online conferences

Web conferencing technology brings an unparalleled level of collaboration to businesses. It provides a platform for organizations to present, share and collaborate with customers and colleagues worldwide. It’s no wonder so many companies embrace it wholeheartedly.

Interactive team meetings, for example, are a great way to utilize web conferencing. It allows participants to contribute in real-time, sharing their opinions and ideas so that all can benefit from a truly collaborative environment.

Webinars — or presentations over the web — are another great use of the technology. They allow for presenting and soliciting feedback through question-and-answer sessions. This allows for a wider range of input from people from all over the world.

Web conferencing is a versatile technology that has a variety of real-world applications. But what about the software component of it?

Web conferencing software

Options for web conferencing software are plentiful, but they aren’t created equal. So what should you be on the lookout for in a great web conferencing solution?

Ease of use

A product that’s easy to use is essential. If it’s too complicated, you may have a hard time getting your employees to adopt it. Be sure to look for solutions that offer responsive customer service and a great user experience that works on any and all of your devices.

High-quality audio and video

Equally important is the quality of the audio and video. It’s not going to do your team members much good if the people on the other end of their web conferencing software are difficult to understand.

You’ll also want to consider equipping your meeting spaces with high-quality audio and video systems to better capture and relay meetings and presentations. This goes a long way in turning an off-the-cuff presentation into one that’s more professional.

Comprehensive features

There are free web conferencing solutions out there, but they offer little in terms of functionality. To truly take advantage of the technology, look for a solution that offers real-time annotation, audience polling and conference recording.

Take your team meetings to the next level

If you’re looking for a way to bring new levels of collaboration and interactivity to your organization, take a close look at web conferencing. The best solutions offer an easy-to-use platform that enables you to host, present and share information in high-quality audio and video. If you’re looking for one such solution, get in touch with 8x8 today.