Even with mask mandates in place, many people are hesitant to leave their homes during a pandemic. Some people fear they may contract dangerous germs, so they stay inside as much as possible. Others postpone commitments because they're busy helping kids with virtual learning or can't send small children to a closed daycare. Telehealth services help patients overcome these barriers and get the care they need, whether you're monitoring bronchitis symptoms or providing online therapy.

What Is Telehealth?

Telehealth services create a virtual connection between providers and patients. Many people associate telehealth with video conferencing, but that's not the only option. You can also stream media, store images, and transmit private data via telehealth technology.

You need an internet connection for telehealth services. Some providers rely on a direct connection, while others utilize Wi-Fi during virtual sessions. The connection you choose depends on the device you use. Computers work well with a hard connection, but cell phones and tablets often perform well with Wi-Fi.

Is Telehealth Secure?

You've probably heard horror stories about digital security breaches, but if you choose a reputable provider such as 8x8, telehealth services are safe and secure. We honor HIPAA guidelines for telehealth compliance, so you and your patients can relax during virtual sessions. Additionally, our servers are protected by innovative technology designed to thwart hackers and prevent glitches.

Many providers confess they feel safer during telehealth appointments than in-person appointments. When working remotely, you can choose a quiet space away from colleagues or loved ones. This promotes privacy and helps reduce the spread of confidential information that commonly appears on front-desk intake forms. You can even store medical files via an online platform so you always have the info you need for each patient.

How Can Telehealth Keep My Patients Healthy?

During the current pandemic, many of us put our usual activities on hold. People aren't going to the gym as often, and many patients are skipping essential medical care. Some of us have also picked up unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as emotional eating, smoking, or excessive drinking.

As a healthcare worker, it's difficult to ignore the damaging effects of the pandemic. Instead of encouraging patients to visit your office, try offering telehealth sessions instead. This helps ensure patients get the care they need, from diabetes symptom checks to virtual COVID-19 screenings.

Telehealth care doesn't just keep your own patients healthy; it also protects your community by minimizing exposure among sick and healthy individuals. You can often treat a patient's flu-like symptoms or cough virtually rather than having someone potentially infect an entire waiting room.

Monitoring emotional wellness is another benefit of telehealth technology. The pandemic has taken a toll on the mental well-being of many patients, and these symptoms cannot be safely untreated. Thanks to telehealth, you can help patients manage symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental conditions before they escalate.

Expand Your Reach with Telehealth Technology

When you can't meet in person, telehealth services are the next best thing. Our team at 8x8 understands the challenges health care professionals face during a pandemic, and we're here to help. Learn more about how our telehealth solutions can help you connect with patients, whether you run a small practice, or balance appointments at multiple locations.