Viber Takes Business Communications in the Philippines by Storm

With a population of over 109 million people, the Philippines is Southeast Asia’s second most populous country, making it a choice market for businesses seeking new customers. But one thing that brands need to understand about this market is the growing smartphone penetration across the country. From urban dwellers to rural residents, many are ditching their television and radio boxes for mobile devices.

Recent studies have shown that people increasingly consider it rude for businesses to call customers directly in instances when a text could have sufficed. Eighty-eight percent of millennials and Gen Zers  surveyed have been found to dislike calls. This preference for texting is even more pronounced in the Philippines, a place that has even been recognised by officials as a "Text Capital" This makes chat apps an increasingly vital touch point for companies doing business in the Philippines.

The question is, which chat app gives the best ROI in the Philippines?

Viber overtakes WhatsApp as the most popular chat app in the Philippines

While WhatsApp's global dominance is unrivalled at two billion monthly active users, its stronghold doesn't extend to the Philippines. In fact, WhatsApp has already been eclipsed by Viber’s astronomical surge. In 2020 alone, Viber experienced a robust 24% increase in users, along with boosts in the number of texts sent (+31%) and calls made (+41%).

Moreover, messages sent in Viber Communities, a community chat space for users with similar interests, increased by a whopping 144%. Viber’s upward trajectory makes it the go-to chat platform for businesses looking to engage with Filipinos where and when they are most comfortable.

A cross-industry look at use cases for Viber

Viber’s comprehensive and versatile feature suite is one of the reasons why usage proliferated so quickly amongst Filipinos during the pandemic. Some of the core features enjoyed by users include:

  • Reminder notifications for special events, such as holidays and birthdays
  • GIF creators that convert short clips into shareable GIFs
  • My Notes, which allows users to sync their to-do lists and media across multiple devices

These features make it easy for Filipinos to express themselves vividly and stay connected with their loved ones. In the same vein, they allow businesses to better connect with their customers and provide more targeted solutions through Viber. Here are some examples.

1) Retail and eCommerce: Send customers a DM

Transactions in the retail and eCommerce space rose during the height of the lockdowns. While it’s good news for retailers, many customers are struggling to keep track of their purchases, having to search their email inbox or log in to mobile apps and websites. Proactively updating customers on their order and package delivery status not only removes such frustrations, but it also improves customer experience.

By setting up transactional messages through Viber, retailers can keep customers informed in real time using automated triggers. For instance, the moment a purchase is made, the business can send the customer a message containing a copy of the receipt. Or, when the package is out for delivery, they can provide the customer with a tracking link. The best part? Sending updates via Viber naturally sorts such messages, making it easy for customers to locate purchase information simply by searching a brand name.

2) Hospitality and tourism: Personalise your promotions

With travel restrictions loosening up in the Philippines, airlines, hotels, and tour agencies are gearing up for an influx of tourists. This means that competition in the travel industry is now greater than ever. The key to standing out is to make travel booking as easy and personalised as possible using the right technology. And Viber fits the bill perfectly.

Using a combination of rich media and interactive buttons, businesses can push exclusive deals and announcements, and do so on a channel that their customers use daily. Customers can then respond immediately by tapping on their phones to make reservations or confirm their bookings. On top of all that, Viber is a great way to send personalised messages that are customised to specific audience segments. For instance, they can offer air tickets with hotel packages to international travellers and bus tour discounts to domestic travellers.

3) Banks and Fintechs: Improve loyalty with conversational service

As digital banking continues to grow in the Philippines, it’s important that banks and fintech companies be mindful of consumers’ desires for human interactions, especially during complex transactions and emergency situations. As a messaging app, Viber is an ideal tool to launch two-way conversations, providing customer service in a personal way—just like how customers would talk with their friends.

For banks and fintech companies facing large volumes of daily recurring requests, chatbot flows can be integrated with Viber to automate replies. This not only saves on agent overhead costs, but also allows businesses to retain the human element in every customer touch point. Further, this integration can be streamlined using advanced fintech software solutions. These softwares are capable of processing complex queries and delivering accurate responses, thereby enhancing the customer experience on platforms like Viber. Additionally, fintech software solutions can provide advanced analytics and insights, allowing businesses to continuously refine their chatbot strategies, and ensure the interaction feels personalised and human-like.

Complete your omnichannel customer experience strategy with the 8x8 Messaging API

While Viber should undoubtedly be an integral part of any robust marketing campaign strategy, businesses looking to capture the Philippines market in its entirety should seek to reach wider audiences through more comprehensive channels. Facebook Messenger, for example, has a usage rate of 98% amongst internet users. Considering that many of these users overlap with Viber and other chat apps, toggling between them as their personal needs change, it’s critical that businesses adopt a versatile, omnichannel strategy.

The 8x8 Messaging API lets businesses add on six chat apps (including WhatsApp, Zalo, KakaoTalk, and LINE) as business needs and communication strategies expand. With the Messaging API, there’s no need to worry about onboarding agents onto a new service tool. Simply integrate it into any CRM (existing plug-ins are available for Zendesk, Salesforce, and Freshdesk).

To take things up a notch, marketers can get a bird’s eye view of their campaign strategy with 8x8 Connect. They will find functions essential to any outbound effort, from contacts management to audience segmentation to message scheduling. They'll also have access to an intuitive analytics dashboard with real-time insights into campaign performance across all communication channels.

Succeed in the Philippines with 8x8

Managing multiple communication channels does not have to be hard. Focus your attention on connecting with your customers by using tools that remove all the cumbersome work from day-to-day operations. With 8x8 Communication APIs, you can meet the demands of a multitude of customers by being where they are, all at once.

Choose a reliable communications solution. Learn more about our Chat Apps solution.