There's no sugar-coating the 2023 economy. So far, companies worldwide have continued to be battered by waves of recession-induced layoffs that show no signs of slowing down. At present, the global unemployment rate is estimated to be around 5.8%, with rates reaching up to 35.6% in South Africa and 12.8% in Spain.

And if economist predictions are anything to go by, marketing and customer service budgets are likely to be tight until mid-2024. Employers in France, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom are already bracing for the impact of negative GDP, with less than 35% of employers in these countries planning to hire this year.

Remaining staff members have to therefore grapple with the challenge of doing less with more even as customer expectations rise. Analysts estimate that four out of five customers expect personalisation and this will rise even further in line with automation and the need to hold on to shrinking dollars in the face of inflation.

More than ever, customer service and communications are proving to be the factors that determine whether businesses can make it out of this recession intact.

Why SMS is a must-have tool for businesses looking to cut costs

If you could only choose one communication tool for customer service, SMS would likely be our #1 recommendation. With an extraordinarily high open rate of 98%, SMS is often  your safest bet if you’re looking to stay on the radar of your customers while sticking to a limited budget. Part of the reason why SMS is so foolproof is because it does not rely on internet networks for delivery, and thus allows you to reach customers even if they live in poorly connected regions or while they’re travelling.

Targeting SMS also means skipping ahead of other saturated communication channels such as email which is now flooded with promotional and irrelevant messages that are leading to customers tuning out and unsubscribing.

How various departments can increase productivity with SMS

Automating marketing and segmentation

SMS is a popular tool used to facilitate classic marketing tactics, such as limited time offers and check-out reminders. But it’s important to remember that, as with all forms of marketing, the potential of SMS can only be unlocked with proper finesse.

8x8’s SMS API makes it possible for businesses to serve large customer bases with personalised offerings through segmentation and analytics reporting. Throw in the power of automation and you’ll never miss a beat again when it comes to delivering timely offers that align perfectly with the needs and interests of your customers.

Facilitating HR and administrative tasks

With the proportion of hybrid workers reaching an all time high of 39% this year (yes, that’s more than 2022’s 37%), granting user access to company-owned tools and databases remotely becomes increasingly important for operational efficiency.

Instead of requiring workers to make extra trips down to the office, companies can instead set up secure VPNs through SMS-facilitated two-factor authentication (2FA) pins. This will no doubt come in handy for startups and small-medium businesses that are looking to work with freelancers or overseas workers without compromising their security.

Keeping customer data safe online

2022 saw US$55 billion lost to scams worldwide, a 15.7% increase from 2021. Businesses that want to secure customer trust in the current fraud-tainted digital climate should therefore provide customer payments with as many safeguards as possible to ensure that only authorised transactions are conducted.

On top of traditional 2FAs, 8x8 Communication APIs (including the 8x8 SMS API) are built with robust defence protocols and scrutinised by dedicated cybersecurity experts around the clock. This ensures that all communications between you and your customers remain private, keeping all customer data under a tight padlock.

Integrating SMS is quick and easy with the 8x8 SMS API

If what we’ve covered so far excites you, you’ll be pleased to know that the 8x8 SMS API can literally be installed in minutes. The API design enables even non-IT experts to set it up. What’s more, our development team has also written easy-to-follow documentation guides should you ever get stuck. Additional assistance is always available as well at our 24/7/365 customer service centre.

The benefits of our APIs don’t stop at fast installation, either. As a low-code program, 8x8’s SMS API can be built on top of existing CRM systems, allowing marketers, customer service, sales, and HR teams to send SMS directly from internal interfaces that they are already familiar with.

And when you’re ready to take your business to the next level, you’ll even have the option of combining SMS services with six of the world’s most popular chat apps with 8x8 Chat Apps API for a true omnichannel experience.

SMS pricing solutions for every business need

Maintaining marketing and communications in a fiscally sustainable way is that much easier when you have a pay-per-use pricing model that charges you only when customer conversations come rolling in. This model was specifically chosen to help businesses weather tough times by enabling teams to focus on their jobs instead of worrying about monthly recurring costs. Check out our pricing calculator to receive a ballpark figure on SMS fees in your territory.

Businesses that prefer fixed subscription plans for the purposes of forecasting also have the option of checking out our enterprise plans built specifically for large volume usage at attractive rates. Whatever option you decide, rest assured that you’ll have a cost-effective solution that does not compromise on quality or performance.

Brave the next financial storm with a trusted service provider

There’s no better feeling than knowing that everything will be alright, even as you navigate stormy waters. 8x8’s enterprise-grade communications are trusted by customers worldwide and endorsed by 13 third-party cybersecurity and compliance certification bodies.

Experience confidence once more with 8x8 Communication APIs.

Contact us for a private demo today.