
Hybrid Cloud Communications

Manage communications effectively with a hybrid cloud solution.


Hybrid Cloud Communications

Manage communications effectively with a hybrid cloud solution.


Hybrid Cloud Communications

Manage communications effectively with a hybrid cloud solution.


Hybrid Cloud Communications

Manage communications effectively with a hybrid cloud solution.


Businesses today are looking to get a competitive edge in their market, and one way this can be done is through leveraging hybrid cloud communications. By combining on-premise and cloud technology capabilities to optimize communication networks, businesses can create invaluable opportunities for collaboration, data access control, performance optimization and more.

Let’s look at how hybrid cloud communications are transforming today's communication landscape. We will also explain how hybrid cloud differs from public and private cloud and provide some tips on implementing them into your business.

What is Hybrid Cloud?

What is Hybrid Cloud?

What is Hybrid Cloud?

What is Hybrid Cloud?


Are you looking for enhanced scalability, cost efficiency, and flexibility for your business communications? Then hybrid cloud communications may be the perfect fit for you! It offers a blend of public and private clouds that allow businesses to manage their IT environments efficiently and securely. All data and resources are stored in the hybrid system, allowing organizations to benefit from the advantages of each type of cloud service.

Types of Cloud Communications Environment

Types of Cloud Communications Environment

Types of Cloud Communications Environment

Types of Cloud Communications Environment

There are three cloud environments: public, private, and hybrid. Organizations must consider each type's advantages and disadvantages when choosing a suitable cloud model.

Public Cloud Communications

It offers organizations access to a shared pool of resources from multiple service providers, such as Google Cloud Platform or Amazon Web Services. These public cloud services provide a way for businesses to access and use the cloud infrastructure without building and maintaining their own IT infrastructure.

Private Cloud Communications

It involves hosting applications on a company’s own servers, which are maintained inside its organization. These clouds can be hosted internally or externally, depending on which option the business chooses and its functionality. Data stored on private clouds is exclusively accessible to authorized members within the organization, making it a perfect choice for companies that are required to abide by compliance regulations.

Hybrid Cloud Communications

Hybrid cloud communications integrate private and public clouds, allowing organizations to leverage the benefits of both models for their mission-critical systems. With hybrid cloud communication, organizations can access public cloud resources when needed and also ensure data security in private cloud environments. It provides scalability and flexibility while granting control over who accesses what data.

What is the Difference Between Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud Communications?

What is the Difference Between Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud Communications?

What is the Difference Between Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud Communications?

What is the Difference Between Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud Communications?

Public CloudPrivate CloudHybrid Cloud
DefinitionOffers organizations access to a shared pool of resources from multiple service providersInvolves hosting applications on a company’s own servers, which are maintained inside its organization.Serve as an integration of private and public clouds, allowing organizations to leverage the benefits of both models
SecurityLess SecureMost SecureMore Secure
Target AudienceGeneral PublicOrganizationsPublic and businesses
ScalabilityHighly scalableNot very scalableHighly scalable
CostEconomicalExpensiveLess expensive than private cloud
ExampleMicrosoft AzureHPEGoogle Anthos
Public CloudPrivate CloudHybrid Cloud
DefinitionOffers organizations access to a shared pool of resources from multiple service providersInvolves hosting applications on a company’s own servers, which are maintained inside its organization.Serve as an integration of private and public clouds, allowing organizations to leverage the benefits of both models
SecurityLess SecureMost SecureMore Secure
Target AudienceGeneral PublicOrganizationsPublic and businesses
ScalabilityHighly scalableNot very scalableHighly scalable
CostEconomicalExpensiveLess expensive than private cloud
ExampleMicrosoft AzureHPEGoogle Anthos
Public CloudPrivate CloudHybrid Cloud
DefinitionOffers organizations access to a shared pool of resources from multiple service providersInvolves hosting applications on a company’s own servers, which are maintained inside its organization.Serve as an integration of private and public clouds, allowing organizations to leverage the benefits of both models
SecurityLess SecureMost SecureMore Secure
Target AudienceGeneral PublicOrganizationsPublic and businesses
ScalabilityHighly scalableNot very scalableHighly scalable
CostEconomicalExpensiveLess expensive than private cloud
ExampleMicrosoft AzureHPEGoogle Anthos
Public CloudPrivate CloudHybrid Cloud
DefinitionOffers organizations access to a shared pool of resources from multiple service providersInvolves hosting applications on a company’s own servers, which are maintained inside its organization.Serve as an integration of private and public clouds, allowing organizations to leverage the benefits of both models
SecurityLess SecureMost SecureMore Secure
Target AudienceGeneral PublicOrganizationsPublic and businesses
ScalabilityHighly scalableNot very scalableHighly scalable
CostEconomicalExpensiveLess expensive than private cloud
ExampleMicrosoft AzureHPEGoogle Anthos

Which Cloud Communications Model is Best For Your Business?

Which Cloud Communications Model is Best For Your Business?

Which Cloud Communications Model is Best For Your Business?

Which Cloud Communications Model is Best For Your Business?





Choosing the right cloud communications model for your business will depend on several factors, such as budget, data security needs, and scalability.

Public Cloud

Public cloud communications model is best for the business looking for:

  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Infrastructure scale and flexibility
  • Predictable computing needs
  • Easy management of data and apps

Private Cloud

Private cloud communications model is best suited for the businesses looking for:

  • Higher levels of security
  • Highest performance and availability
  • Greater control and visibility over your environment
  • Ability to customize solutions depending on business needs

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud communications model is best suited for businesses looking for:

  • Leveraging the advantage of both private and public cloud
  • Best combination of price and performance
  • A customizable solution with more control over data
  • Improved flexibility and scalability coming from a combination of on-premises resources and third-party providers.

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Communications

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Communications

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Communications

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Communications

Hybrid cloud communications are becoming increasingly popular in today’s technology-driven world. By combining the benefits of public and private clouds, hybrid cloud communications offer organizations a robust communication system that is:

  • Secure
  • Scalable
  • Cost-effective


One of the main advantages of hybrid cloud is its superior security compared to other communication systems. It allows for better control over who has access to sensitive data and makes it easier to detect potential threats or breaches.

Moreover, hybrid clouds can be set up with different levels of security depending on the sensitivity of the data being stored. This means that users can choose how much security they want for their applications, depending on the level of risk they are willing to accept.


The hybrid cloud model also provides organizations with greater flexibility. Businesses can choose the type of environment best for them and, if necessary, switch between different environments or services to meet their requirements. This allows businesses to take advantage of the best features of public and private cloud systems without completely rebuilding their infrastructure from scratch. Furthermore, hybrid clouds can be used with existing communication systems, allowing organizations to use a new system without investing in extra hardware or software.

Cost Savings

Another advantage of hybrid cloud communications is that it can help businesses save on costs. Businesses can reduce their expenses and increase efficiency by taking advantage of shared resources between public and private cloud environments. Hybrid clouds are more secure than traditional communication systems as data is spread across multiple servers and providers. This means organizations can protect their sensitive information while still accessing the latest communication technologies.

Improved Productivity

Hybrid cloud communications also allow businesses to increase productivity by providing a platform where employees can communicate quickly and effectively. Through an integrated system, teams can share files, collaborate on projects, and communicate directly with each other in real-time. This ensures that tasks are completed efficiently and that deadlines are met without delays or issues. Collaboration tools like instant messaging and video conferencing make it easier for remote workers to stay connected.

High Scalability

Businesses that rely on communication systems need to scale their operations quickly to keep up with changing demand. A hybrid cloud communication system allows businesses to do just that, scaling up or down when needed without incurring additional costs. This is especially beneficial for companies that experience sudden surges in demand, as they can easily expand their communication resources to accommodate the increased traffic.

Overall, hybrid cloud communications provide a great option for businesses looking to maximize their ROI while leveraging the latest technology. Looking to take your business communications to next level? Contact 8x8 today. Our cloud-based services provide a comprehensive communication platform that helps businesses connect, collaborate, and manage customer relationships more effectively.

The 8x8 solution includes features such as unified messaging, VoIP phone systems, contact center solutions, and web conferencing tools. These features can be used together or separately to help businesses create an efficient hybrid cloud communications strategy that meets their specific needs.

Request a quote today.





What is a hybrid cloud?

A hybrid cloud combines public and private cloud systems working together to deliver IT services. The different components of the two systems are integrated to provide more flexibility, scalability, and security for businesses.

What are the advantages of hybrid cloud communications?

Hybrid clouds offer businesses greater scalability and convenience since they don't need to rely solely on private or public clouds. They also have better security measures due to integrating both cloud models.

What is the difference between private, public, and hybrid clouds?

Private clouds are dedicated to only one organization and offer them full control over the infrastructure and improved security. Public clouds are hosted by third-party vendors and provide access to various services that could be used for communication purposes. Hybrid clouds combine both environments to give users the benefits of both public and private cloud models.

Why should my business switch to a hybrid cloud model?

The hybrid cloud communication model can benefit your business by offering greater flexibility and scalability while providing the security of a private cloud.