
Communicate at the speed of customer expectations.

Retail Xperience Magazine


Transforming the Customer Experience from the Inside Out

The rise of eCommerce. The “end of retail.” The topic’s hot right now. But the numbers show that brick & mortar is still king – and the retail industry is growing at a steady pace. So how are leaders in the industry staying competitive? By strengthening their focus on customer experience above all else.

Platforms like 8x8 X Series that combine employee and customer communications give you the ability to capture valuable moments of customer engagement and transform them into an even better customer experience moving forward – all from a single solution.

Read the 8x8 Retail Xperience magazine to learn:

  • Why 2018 is the watershed moment for digital transformation in retail
  • How 5 brands are creating win-wins by completely rethinking the retail experience
  • The 5 key steps to building a foundation for retail innovation

Digital or physical? There’s no longer a distinction. The experience is everything. Read the magazine to see why.

Retail Xperience Magazine

Transforming the Customer Experience from the Inside Out

The rise of eCommerce. The “end of retail.” The topic’s hot right now. But the numbers show that brick & mortar is still king – and the retail industry is growing at a steady pace. So how are leaders in the industry staying competitive? By strengthening their focus on customer experience above all else.

Platforms like 8x8 X Series that combine employee and customer communications give you the ability to capture valuable moments of customer engagement and transform them into an even better customer experience moving forward – all from a single solution.

Read the 8x8 Retail Xperience magazine to learn:

  • Why 2018 is the watershed moment for digital transformation in retail
  • How 5 brands are creating win-wins by completely rethinking the retail experience
  • The 5 key steps to building a foundation for retail innovation

Digital or physical? There’s no longer a distinction. The experience is everything. Read the magazine to see why.


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